Thursday, October 24, 2013

quick update and some exciting news....

For those of you who aren't in touch with me on facebook, I just wanted to give a little update:

It's been a crazy couple of months. Sky diving. Camping. Yellowstone. Playing on two softball teams-one of which won the championship in its respect division (the other team placed 2nd in it's division). Visiting Philadelphia. Although I've felt worse this time around, and had lower energy then I can ever remember having, things are looking up. Thanks goodness for the second trimester. Needless to say...we are eagerly awaiting 4/20/14 for Escalante baby #2!!!!

Skydiving. I was so sick this day but had wanted to skydive for so long that I went anyways! Although I thought I was going to vomit due to the "morning"(ie "all day") sickness, I am proud to say that I am one of the only females in my group that didn't lose it.

Hiking with the family. I guess this means we'll need to invest in more hiking apparatuses.

We enjoyed a packed week in Yellowstone, despite my lack of energy!

My softball team took first place in it's division! I play a mean first base for a pregnant lady.

It was great to spend the weekend with Michael in Philadelphia. Gratefully I've been able to start eating more freely in the last week so I was able to enjoy the amazing cuisine that Philly has to offer! 

I am terrified thinking about caring for 2 little ones on very little sleep with Michael traveling a few days each week, but can't hardly wait for Dominic to be a big brother.

Stay tuned for more Philadelphia pics!! Coming Soon!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you guys! I was scared about the transition from 1 kid to 2, but it really wasn't that bad. The new baby sleeps so much at first I was still able to pay attention to Jack and take care of his needs, and it allowed him to get used to having a baby around. The hardest was when I would nurse, Jack would inevitably want me to get something for him. He just had to learn to do it himself, or wait until I could help him. I'm sure you'll do great!
