Monday, February 13, 2012

Check out our new wheels...

I feel so grateful today.  I love being a mother (yesterday I wasn't so sure, but today made up for it - I'll explain why below!)

Dominic and I took our new wheels for a spin today and were quite pleased.

(I was sure to bundle him up before going out)

Here we are with our new wheels!

I know what you are thinking, but this is better than a new car.  We can park anywhere down town that we want and not have to pay for it; we can go down any 1 - way streets we want - either direction; we don't have to pay the countries highest gas tax for these wheels; and I get to work my legs.  

Or maybe you were thinking, "who are you kidding, those rollerblades aren't new, they are straight out of the 90's".  Okay, so technically, my wheels aren't new.  In fact, I think I've probably owned these rollerblades since 7th grade.  And I've probably only used them 4 times in the last 10 years, but that is about to change.  We just got Dominic's wheels this weekend and today was our first day trying out the combo.  We had such a great time and we were so fast - going down the hills anyways, maybe not so much coming back up. :)

Aside from our little outing, he must've been worn out from the weekend because he slept so much today.  Last night he was fussier than usual and had a hard time settling down.  He finally went to bed around 1 am, and with only two feedings (7am and 10am) slept until about 4pm today!  He was so refreshed after he woke up that I couldn't stop taking pictures and videos!  Take a peek.

His new shirt! - Thanks Lori!
Holding up the ol' noggin


I hope you enjoyed.


  1. Dangit! If you guys still lived here we could totally be rollerblading buddies with our babies. It's the best, huh? Everyone makes fun of me, but I love it. Your little one is darling and so are you!

  2. You are too cool! And he is so strong - I am so excited for your (plural) visit!!

  3. How fun, He is super cute....and that hair cool. I'm glad it's warm enough there to enjoy the outdoors.

  4. I loved watching Dominic smile. It made me smile! He's so cute and you look like you are doing great, even if there are some days that are challenging. We are so looking forward to meeting him and seeing you and Michael in March, when you are back from Utah!
