Friday, January 11, 2013

After months of not being able to post due to a shortage of free blogger memory, I logged onto Blogger and was finally able to post!!
Here are some highlights from the last few months (mostly fall)...just random cute pictures of Dominic.
I wrote this blog months ago, and just haven't been able to post it until now.

peach and pear picking at Bishop's Orchard.  Sept. 6th

He already loves to drive. 
 Playing at the beach near our house.  Lighthouse Point.  Sept 14

Sept 14

This sneaky little fellow grabbed a pepper out of the fridge and couldn't wait to dig right in.  Sept 24

Our neighbors are from Sri Lanka.  Dominic loves Amali and Amali loves Dominic.  Sept 26

Testing out his winter hat.

Don't let his tired face fool you.  This boy loves his spinach.  Oct. 5

Oct. 5

He wanted to keep eating, but was just too tired.  Oct. 5

He has starting to really enjoy emptying drawers.  This keeps me on my toes.  Oct. 7

He loves anything with wheels.  Oct 8

It's great to have a playground at our apartment complex full of toys.  Oct 8

We try to get outside everyday.  He really likes being outside.  Oct 12

We went to watch Yale's women's Volleyball team.  They are amazing!  Undefeated last I checked.  Oct 12

We have a picture of Dominic on this mascot several months ago...Oct 12

Dominic's first time in a harness...ok, it was still a little big, but he really enjoyed looking at the top of the big wall while swinging.  Oct 16

All bundled up so we can go play outside.  Oct 24

Getting ready for Halloween.  Oct 30

 He loves playing outside.  Nov. 2

And has discovered this slide.  Nov. 5

This is a little girl that I watch.  Nov. 5

Playing in his first snow storm of the year.  Nov. 7

He is loving stairs right now.  He just learned how to do it on his own.   Not to mention his awesome get-up.  Nov. 7

He thought it tasted funny

And then decided he didn't like it.

Wrestling with his friend Mikaal



Celebrating his 11 month birthday.  Dec. 5
Celebrating his 11 month birthday.  Dec. 5

Celebrating his 11 month birthday.  Dec. 5
Celebrating his 11 month birthday.  Dec. 5
 Hopefully I'll be able to blog again and I'll do specific posts about my Golden birthday (I turned 28 on the Nov. 28th) and Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that little batman cape (jacket?) Dominic is wearing while climbing up the stairs. Also his sad wrestling face is priceless.

    You look great as always.
