Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dominic Noah Escalante

Our little guy is growing up quickly.  He has nearly outgrown a few of his newborn outfits.  It helps that he is a good eater.  He weighed in at 9lbs 7oz today at his check-up compared to his birth weight of 8lbs 3.5 oz 2 weeks ago.  He is starting to develop more of a personality.  By this I mean he cries more---hopefully it's just a short phase :)  Anyways, I just wanted to take a minute and post a few of my favorite pictures of him.  Many of these have been posted on Facebook already, so this may be old news to a lot of you, but I love sharing them!

Who would've guessed that Michael and I would have a blonde child? Not me.

I love his widow's peak!

He was so good to put up with the mini photo shoot despite how he was really feeling

He is often awake and just looking around, taking in the world around him

"Thank ya, Thank ya very much"-his Elvis face

I have a feeling that we'll see this face a lot when he's a teenager.

It's the best feeling in the world to catch him smiling

He loves munching on those hands of his

For a blonde, I still can't believe how much hair he has.  It seems like most blonde babies are born bald.  

Aside from the blonde hair, Michael and I have been debating to whom Dominic bears greater resemblance.  What do you guys think?


  1. I'll let you know who I think he looks like in a couple weeks :) they change so fast! I think he seems to be a good mix but I can definitely see Mike, maybe just because he is a boy too but who knows.

  2. These are nice pictures. He is so handsome. The last one is my favorite. Can't wait to meet him in person:)

  3. Love these pics, Jodie! What a CUTE kid - he'll be a heartbreaker in no time :) I initially I thought he looked more like Michael but now I see a bit of you in him too. Love the update, keep 'em coming.

  4. I'll cast my vote when we see him in person! He's soooooo adorable! Hope he lets you get a little sleep!

  5. He is so cute!! I think he looks like a mix of both of you!!

  6. He is so handsome! I think I see more of Michael in him, but with the blonde hair and everything you can definitely see you in him too. Congrats! I hope you're getting some sleep!
