Saturday, September 3, 2011

Still Climbing

Despite the fact that Michael has been crazy busy, he still climbs harder than most of the regulars at the new gym.  I recognize that some of you reading this blog are rock climbers, and others aren't.  But check him out sending this technical project.  Look how hard his body and muscles have to work to achieve this climb.

As for me, I can't exactly say that I am climbing hard right now, but check out this video michael shot of me climbing a few days ago.  I do have to admit a sense of pride in the accomplishment - It's not easy pulling me and the little one up the wall.  Not bad for 23 weeks pregnant if I do say so myself.

This evening we dined at a quintessential New England chowder house and enjoyed some outstanding comfort food.  Lobster bisque and clam chowder followed by the entree: scallops, lobster, and shrimp baked in a brandy cream sauce.  Worth every calorie.

Monday we get to attend the Boston Temple.  We look forward to seeing some friends in Boston.

Hope everyone is well.  We miss our friends and family in Utah!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am not surprised you made it up that wall at all, Jodi. You have always been an incredible climber - a little extra belly weight couldn't slow you down! I climbed until I was 8.5 months prego with my first (and close with my second). I swear it is the reason Jonah (my 6 yr old) has amazing natural technique. :) I am so glad you are both still climbing!
