Friday, August 26, 2011

The verdict is in...but it's in a sealed envelope

So, we went to the Ultrasound today and got to see pictures of our little baby.  Take a look at the next Escalante, currently weighing in at 1 lb and 1 oz (The heart rate was about 160bmp):

 a hand (sorry it's upside down)

a foot (sorry it's upside down).  the foot is on the bottom left

The doctors were trying to get the baby to unlock it's fingers so they could see both hands, so the doctor poked at the baby.  The baby then punched back! (again-sorry it's upside down)

So, the baby's legs were crossed and they were having a hard time seeing the sex of the baby.  Eventually they caught it, but we asked that they keep it disclosed for now so it is sitting in a sealed envelope in our spare room.  We'll see if we wait until the birth to find out, or if we peek sooner.


  1. The pictures are all working now. "It " is a beautiful baby. Are you sure that you don't want to mail me the en elope. The shower will be lots funner if I know what, you're having!

  2. Amazing pictures! And don't open that envelope!!! It's nice to have that surprise.
