February 5th marked Dominic's 1 month birthday. He is becoming more expressive which is really fun for us! This past week especially has been fun since he is starting to smile. Here are a few pics from his 1 month photo shoot.
He has not yet been to the beach, so he technically can't claim liking long walks on the beach... However, if he made a dating profile after this week, I imagine it would look something like this:
(This would be his profile picture) |
" I enjoy long naps on the couch, dancing, eating a lot, listening to music, cuddling and shopping. "
He likes to show off his moves.
We went to the mall yesterday and he was such a good boy. He loved shopping around at all the different stores and was so well-behaved.
We continue to debate to whom he bears more resemblance. He definitely has my coloring - blonde hair and blue eyes - but as for his facial features, we are having a hard time seeing a strong resemblance to either of us. Maybe as he grows more we'll start to see it. Anyways, this picture was taken this week, and I love it.
A quick update with Michael: He is relieved to not have any interviews scheduled for this week so he can focus on finishing his classes strong (this is the last week of the block - finals next week). He interviewed with a company in Boston last week (Innosight) via Skype. It was a 2 part interview - he thought the first half went well with the first interviewer. They experienced some technical issues the second half with the second interviewer, so he felt like it didn't go as smoothly. We'll see what happens.
A quick update with Jodi: I am trying to get this parenting thing figured out. Between Michael's busy school schedule, interviewing and church responsibilities, I've been sulking a little bit recently feeling like a single parent at times. It's so different to be a stay-at-home mom than when I was a busy woman working 50+ hours/wk. Sometimes I miss working, sometimes there is no place I would rather be than cuddling Dominic all day long. Both can be difficult and rewarding at times. There are some days when parenting is more difficult than rewarding and those days are hard - those of you that are parents know what I mean.
Anyways - For those of you Utahans who haven't heard, we are coming to town February 24th. Michael will be in town for about 1 week, and Dominic and I will be around for an additional 2 weeks while Michael goes to Israel. We are looking forward to it! Hopefully the weather stays nice!
Hope all is well!